Bioresonance Causes A Stir In The Improvement Of ADD / ADHD

What is ADHD

ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder that usually affects some children, teenagers and adults. ADHD leads to difficulties with things like:

  • poor attention,
  • over-activity,
  • impulsiveness

They are usually very active and tend to run, jump and fidget all day.


What Is Bioresonance

Bioresonance Therapy is the use of the body’s own biophysics to measure the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body. These frequencies are then used to diagnose disease which can then be treated with non-invasive Bioresenance therapy.

The most fundamental level of human physiology is represented by cellular energy fields which are the ones that regulate body chemistry – successful therapeutic means which operate at the level of body energy and conduct properly are capable of bringing about healing.


Bioresonance therapy is an effective therapy option. ADHD sufferers can be relieved of the symptoms by treating the underlying causes, thus reducing the effects without risking the severe side effects of the ADHD medication.

Causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

While the exact causes of ADHD have not been established as of yet, researchers tend to be actively searching for a gene that causes the disorder.

At The A.I.M., they investigated the possible causes based on an individual’s own toxicity.

Some of the following are the common causes found:

  • Exposure to Heavy Metals – Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, etc.
  • Allergies – Milk, Wheat,
  • Food Additives, sugars, and Colourants.
  • Viruses – EBV, CMV, etc.
  • Candida / Fungi/ Moulds.
  • Parasites.
  • Antibiotic residue.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • Trauma – Mental or emotional.
  • Stress.
  • Exposure to Electromagnetic radiation.
  • Research has also linked the use of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol during pregnancy to an increased risk of a child developing ADHD

Case studies

Case studies courtesy of Dr Andrew and Anna Barrie but these have not been linked to the development of the disorder.

Here is a list of other factors found by other researchers and Doctors:

  1. Heavy Metals– Mercury (vaccines, amalgams, mothers’ breast milk), Lead (paints, toys, petrol), Aluminium (vaccines, tinned food, baking powder)
  2. Parasites/Worms/Protozoa
  3. Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Environmental Toxins
  4. Candida/Fungi/Moulds
  5. Strep A
  6. Mycoplasma
  7. Lyme
  8. Epstein Barr Virus
  9. CMV and other Herpes Viruses
  10. Rubella, Morbilli
  11. Chlamydia Pneumonia
  12. Babessia
  13. Bartonella
  14. Drug residue from the parent’s usage (recreational and Medicinal)
  15. Antibiotic residue
  16. Nutritional deficiencies
  17. Trauma – mental or emotional
  18. EMF’s and Wireless technology pervade every aspect of our modern life – These forces act upon the individual. They are non-Static, dynamic, changeable and very unpredictable. Yet their interaction with living organisms is not subject to thorough testing and does not have the benefit of actual long-term experience.


These multiple pathogens have an effect on ALL body systems and organs – Head to Toe. These may often lead to secondary issues like skin inflammation, allergies, eczema, asthma, sensitivity to light, food, noise etc. and they remain in the body for a lifetime – unless you can effectively remove both their physical and energetic properties using FCT.


Is Bioresonance A Scam

Research is limited regarding how effective bioresonance is in diagnosing and treating health conditions. Here are some studies we found related to this use.


Safe, Non-Invasive And Effective

Bioresonance Therapy can help your child to become great in school and life, without getting easily distracted.

Here Are A Few Results From Treatments Of ADHD Sufferers

These results are from Case studies courtesy of Dr Andrew and Anna Barrie

The child may scream continually, strike the parent, or pull their hair, and have to be restrained by the parent. We have been working with a group of five boys, diagnosed with learning and social interaction problems aged from 2 to 6.5 years at the time of their first visit.

adhd anger

All developed problems after measles, mumps, and rubella triple vaccinations. All were enrolled on a behavioural therapy programme from the Lovaas Institute aimed at enhancing language and communication, social/play, pre-academic and independent living skills so that they may require less professional attention as they grow older. The goal of all the parents was for the child to be accepted for normal kindergarten or school, or, if already at school, to be allowed to continue. This was achieved in all cases.

Our first patient from this group was a boy aged 3.5. His first visit was in April 2003, and he is still having maintenance treatment with us because of the steady improvement he has made with speech and social skills. On his first visit, he could not speak at all; he could only scream and would bite, kick and pull his mother’s hair. He had recurrent infections and had tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets fitted in his ears. He tested on the following strains: measles, four herpes viruses, polio, gluten, milk, egg, copper, magnesium, zinc and other allergens.

After six visits, his digestive problems improved, he was cooperative and began to talk, playing word games with his six-year-old sister who came with him to the clinic. His sister would say “Ready, steady” and he would say “Go”. She would then play a game where she made “footsteps” with her fingers on his hand and say, “Round and round the garden” and he would complete it “Goes the teddy bear”. The next part is where she says “one step, two steps and away up in the air”. At this point, she runs her fingers up his arm and tickles him under the armpit with great laughter from both of them.

After he had had nine treatments over 5 months, the parents of the other boys began making appointments with us.

After 7 – 10 visits with each of the boys, we get reports of sitting through a whole movie, and improved motor skills such as riding a bike and playing football with other children. At this stage, they are having the ‘self-regulation’ series of programs as the initial strains have been treated. We also see improved social interaction. This is both from reports from school and our observations in the clinic. They will arrive and address staff by name and ask to borrow a favourite book. For example, “Hello Andy, Bugs Bunny book please”. They will also follow instructions, for example, to pick up a piece of paper and put it in the bin or to return a book to the table in the waiting room.

The boy who tested on mumps and rubella and who was withdrawn rather than hyperactive was aged 6.5 at his first visit in April 2004. His 4-year-old brother also came to see us (he is in the ‘measles’ group). The father had given up his job to be a full-time carer for his two autistic boys.

adhd withdrawn

He was already at school but the school had said that unless his social skills improved, he would have to leave. He also had eczema and asthma. Strains tested were gluten, milk/lactose, egg, sugars, zinc and herpes zoster as well as the vaccines. After six visits, all strains had been treated, his health improved, and he had had his first ‘self-regulation’ treatment. His father reported, “a fantastic week in school”. The following week, he told us that his son was “interacting with the other kids and solving problems”. After the ninth visit in August 2004, he had been tested on cognitive skills at an age equivalent of 5.5.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive, safe and painless modality based on physics and is capable of directly energetically tuning into the internal organs and body systems.

Metal Pollution And ADHD

Metals in particular can directly invade and damage the Central Nervous System. The Immune System also gets attacked setting the stage for the invasion of opportunistic infections. With these metals lodged in CNS, Autoimmune reactions can then be triggered.


Some of the following pernicious agents may be found in the testing:

  1. Heavy Metals– Mercury (vaccines, amalgams, mothers’ breast milk), Lead (paints, toys, petrol), Aluminium (vaccines, tinned food, baking powder)
  2. Parasites/Worms/Protozoa’s
  3. Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Environmental Toxins
  4. Candida/Fungi/Moulds
  5. Strep A
  6. Mycoplasma
  7. Lyme
  8. Epstein Barr Virus
  9. CMV and other Herpes Viruses
  10. Rubella, Morbillia
  11. Chamydia Pneumonia
  12. Babessia
  13. Bartonella
  14. Drug residue from the parent’s usage (recreational and Medicinal)
  15. Antibiotic residue
  16. Nutritional deficiencies
  17. Trauma – mental or emotional
  18. EMF’s and Wireless technology pervade every aspect of our modern life – These forces act upon the individual. They are non-Static, dynamic, changeable and very unpredictable. Yet their interaction with living organisms is not subject to thorough testing and does not have the benefit of actual long-term experience.


ADHD is a mental disorder that can affect children, teenagers and adults. It has been linked to genetics and the behaviour of the pregnant mother. There are effective treatment options but they relieve the symptoms, but with a price – extremely severe side effects that can even affect the patient’s quality of life and their achievements.

A non-invasive, painless therapy such as Bioresonanace, can provide relief from symptoms of ADHD by addressing the underlying causes and by so doing, reducing the effects of the problem without the severe side effects of the ADHD medication.

A SAFE, Effective and Painless Solution to a serious problem.

For More Info, contact us Today


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