How To Survive Cancer, Is It Even Possible

Surviving cancer is an incredible feat, and thriving with cancer is even better. As a cancer survivor, I’ve learned a thing or two about living well while facing this disease. For me it started with my attitude, and I will deal with that later. Let us start with a better understanding of what cancer is.

What Is Cancer

Cancer is The Enemy, it some of the body’s cells growing uncontrollably and spreading to other parts of the body.


It can start almost anywhere in the human body1. These malignant cells ignore the body’s signals to stop, leading to the formation of tumors in organs and tissues or crowding out normal cells in the bloodstream and bone marrow, as seen in blood cancers2. If you have any specific questions about cancer, feel free to ask. Preferably ask your GP or Oncologist. Everyone has an opinion or advice, not all of it good or accurate. Speak to medical professionals.

The 5 Most Common Cancers In South Africa

According to the 2022 National Cancer Registry (NCR) report, the five most common cancers in South Africa are:

  1. Breast Cancer: It affects women most frequently and has a 25% higher incidence rate among them.1.
breast cancer
  1. Prostate Cancer: This cancer primarily affects men and is generally slow-growing. Regular prostate checks are recommended, especially for men over 50 or those with a family history of the disease1.
  1. Colorectal Cancer: A major concern, it affects the colon or rectum. Routine screenings are essential, and a healthy diet rich in fiber can help reduce the risk1.

4. Cervical Cancer: Occurs when cells in the cervix become cancerous. It’s the second most common cancer among women in South Africa and the third most common worldwide1.

cervical cancer

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  1. Lung Cancer: Overall, it’s the leading cause of cancer deaths in the country1.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Cancer

It’s essential to be aware of any new or concerning symptoms, as early detection makes treatment easier. While these symptoms don’t always indicate cancer, it’s crucial to consult a GP for evaluation.

Doctors blood pressure and Rife therapy

Here are common signs to watch for:

  1. Coughing, Chest Pain, and Breathlessness: If you’ve had a persistent cough for three weeks or more, or experience shortness of breath or chest pain, seek medical advice promptly.

  2. Changes in Bowel Habits: Persistent changes lasting three weeks or more, such as tummy discomfort, blood in your stool, unexplained diarrhea or constipation, or a feeling of incomplete bowel emptying, warrant attention.

  3. Bloating: If you’ve experienced bloating for three weeks or longer, consult a GP.

  4. Unexplained Bleeding: Any unexplained bleeding, such as blood in urine, vaginal bleeding between periods, or postmenopausal bleeding, requires investigation.

  5. Lumps: Check for breast lumps or any enlarging lump elsewhere on your body. Regular self-exams are crucial.

  6. Moles: Be vigilant if a mole changes shape, color, itches, crusts, or bleeds. These changes could indicate melanoma, a serious skin cancer.

  7. Unintentional Weight Loss: If you’ve lost significant weight without an apparent cause, seek medical advice.

  8. Tummy or Back Pain: Persistent pain in your abdomen or back should be evaluated.

  9. Indigestion and Heartburn: Some cancers can cause indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. Regular symptoms warrant discussion with a GP.

  10. Itchy or Yellow Skin: If your skin is itchy, yellowing (jaundice), or your urine appears darker, consult a healthcare provider.

  11. Fatigue: Feeling persistently tired and unwell could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Remember, if you’re at higher risk due to family history or other factors, stay vigilant. Regular check-ups and open communication with your healthcare provider are essential for your well-being. 1234

Not Everything Indicates Cancer

It is important to rememberthat, having one or two symptoms does not mean you HAVE cancer, but if the symptoms are persistent, it is worthwhile visiting you GP to investigate the cause. The earlier you identify cancer, the better the chance of successfully treating it.

Aging Graciously-Detox

My Engagement With Cancer

This is a brief summary of my engagement with cancer. I refer to my “engagement” with cancer because, you better believe, it is a battle and cancer is the enemy.

The Diagnosis: Waiting for the results of the biopsy was probably the worst part, but the positive results were chilling at first. I knew that surrender was not an option. I would fight, and I did.

The Treatment:  I consulted an oncologist and was prescribed a course of at least 12 chemotherapy sessions.  From hearing all the horror stories about Chemo, I was not looking forward to it but knew that I owed it to my family to try.

My Side Hustle Treatment:   My wife and I are Bioresonance therapists, so I had access to the machines every night and I made use of this privilege. I treated myself for B cell lymphoma for 10 to 14 hours a day. 

The day after my 5th chemo session, I went for my CT scan and what wonderful news. There was NO TRACE of the cancer, and this after only 4 chemo sessions (the 5th session was the day before and had not had much, if any effect on the cancer).

I elected to complete the Chemotherapy, and I continued on the Bioresonance machines and when I was told I was in remission, I continued with the Cancer Maintenance treatments on the Rife machines, which I still do today.

It Need Not Be A Death Sentence

Yes, It is Deadly and it is serious but, it is a disease, and you can fight it, no, you MUST fight it. I believe that your attitude has a huge roll to play, and you must not accept the diagnosis as a death sentence. You are not dead. Live your life to the fullest and, yes, you will have days that are not as great as others. So, call a friend, talk to someone!  Don’t try and do it on your own. Luckily, I had an incredible wife by my side and a great Chemo Team.

My Chemo Team

Surviving Cancer Is Possible, Ask ME

Here are some ideas for your cancer battle plan;

  1. See an Oncologist: VERY IMPORTANT find a healthcare provider who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer. They’ll guide you toward the right treatment options1.

  2. Get Another Opinion: Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion, for your own peace of mind. It can provide clarity and confidence in your treatment decisions1.

  3. Focus on Relationships: During difficult times, relationships matter most. Connect with loved ones and cherish every moment2.

  4. Live Life To The Fullest: Embrace life fully. Do the things you love and find joy in the present2.

  5. Eat Smart:Choose a well-balanced diet to support your overall health3.

  6. Stay Active: Be physically active whenever possible. Exercise has many benefits for cancer survivors3.

  7. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Cancer can impact your weight, so focus on maintaining a healthy balance3.

  8. Connect with Support: Having a strong support system is crucial. Reach out to friends, family, or online cancer communities3.

  9. Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quitting can significantly improve your health and well-being3.

  10. Limit Alcohol: Moderation is key. Limit alcohol consumption to protect your overall health3.

Remember, surviving cancer involves more than medical treatments—it’s about holistic well-being and embracing life despite the challenges. You’re not alone on this journey, and there’s hope for thriving even in the face of adversity4.

Bioresenance Does It Help

As a bioresonance therapist who has personally experienced the benefits of bioresonance therapy alongside chemotherapy, I can share some insights. Anecdotal evidence suggests that bioresonance therapy offers complementary support during cancer treatment. Patients report reducedside effects, improvedwell-being, and enhancedenergy levels.

bioresonance for energy and vitality

However, it’s essential to emphasize that scientific evidence supporting bioresonance remains limited. Importantly, there is no evidence to suggest that bioresonance directly harmscancer patients. It’s crucial to approach bioresonance with an open mind. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence in favour of Bioresonance.


Cancer is not to be regarded as a death sentence. One should not surrender to it but fight it tooth and nail. Speedy diagnosis and good support are important, as are any additional tools that you can add to your arsenal against cancer. I personally found Bioresonance to be a great help. You can too.

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