How To Treat Hypertension With Bioresonance Therapy?


High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects millions in South Africa, and managing it is crucial for overall health. Approximately 8.22 million  South African adults with no private health insurance have hypertension.

While medication is a common approach, some seek alternative therapies. Bioresonance Therapy, a non-invasive technique, is gaining traction. But can it truly help lower blood pressure? This article explores the science behind bioresonance, its potential benefits for hypertension, and what to expect if you consider this approach.

Brief overview of hypertension and its impact on health.

Stressed man

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, happens when the force of blood against artery walls is too high. It often has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure if left untreated. Lifestyle factors such as diet high in salt, lack of physical activity, and smoking can contribute to hypertension. Managing hypertension involves regular check-ups, medications as prescribed by doctors, and adopting a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and exercise. It’s important to control blood pressure levels to prevent complications and maintain overall health.

Bioresonance Therapy As A Complementary Approach.

Bioresonance therapy is a type of treatment that uses the body’s own energy patterns to find and fix imbalances. It’s based on the idea that every part of the body has its own special energy. When someone is sick, these energies can be out of balance. The therapy uses a machine to measure the body’s energy and compare it to healthy energy patterns. If there’s a difference, the machine sends out energy to help the body get back to normal. This method is non-invasive and can be used alongside regular medicine to help with things like pain, allergies, and stress. Remember, you can talk to your doctor before starting new treatments.

Discussion On Traditional Treatments For Hypertension.

Traditional treatments for hypertension often include natural remedies and lifestyle changes. People have used herbs like garlic and hawthorn to help lower blood pressure. Eating less salt, more fruits and vegetables, and staying active are also common traditional approaches. Some cultures rely on acupuncture or relaxation techniques like yoga to reduce stress, which can affect blood pressure. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any traditional treatment, as they should complement, not replace, modern medical advice and medications12.

Bioresonance Therapy: An Overview

The science behind bioresonance and its holistic approach to health.

Bioresonance head set

Bioresonance is a form of alternative medicine that takes a holistic approach to health. It focuses on the idea that every cell and organ in our body vibrates at a unique frequency. When we’re healthy, these frequencies are in harmony. But according to bioresonance theory, stress, allergies, or illness can disrupt these frequencies, leading to health problems.

Bioresonance practitioners use machines to measure these electromagnetic waves coming from the body. Think of it like a special antenna. However, it’s important to note that there’s only limited scientific evidence to prove these machines can accurately detect specific frequencies related to health.

Despite this, bioresonance practitioners believe the machine can identify these disruptions and then send back “healthy” frequencies to rebalance the body. This process aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. Imagine tuning a musical instrument – bioresonance aims to achieve a similar harmony within the body.

While bioresonance is seen as a gentle and non-invasive therapy, it’s important to remember that most conventional medical doctors don’t consider it an established treatment. If you’re considering bioresonance, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor first. They can help you understand the potential benefits and risks, and ensure it complements any existing medical treatments you might be receiving.

The process of a bioresonance therapy session for hypertension patients.

Bodysonic skeleton

Once you have booked your appointment for your bioresonance consultation, you will be sent a questionnaire regarding your current medication and conditions. You will also be told not to eat or drink for 3 hours before your appointment.

On your arrival at the Wellness Centre, you will have a short discussion with the therapist before being taken to the equipment where you will be asked to place a set of headphones over your ears. these have electrodes that touch your ears to send and receive the frequencies. You will not feel or hear anything while you are on the machine.

The entire process will take  30 to 90 minutes, depending on the type of scan that you requested.

The therapist will briefly discuss the scan with you and the full report will be sent to you within 72 hours.

Clinical Evidence and Case Studies

While there is a wealth of information on bioresonance therapy for various conditions, specific case studies or evidence directly linking bioresonance therapy to the treatment of hypertension are not as common. However, there are some resources that might be relevant:

  1. A case study from the New England Journal of Medicine discusses a 45-year-old woman with hypertension and other symptoms1. While this case does not directly involve bioresonance therapy, it provides detailed medical information on a patient with hypertension.

  2. An article titled “Bioresonance, an alternative therapy for mild and moderate depression” from PMC discusses the use of bioresonance therapy for depression2. Although it’s focused on depression, the principles of bioresonance therapy discussed could be extrapolated to other conditions, potentially including hypertension.

  3. A publication on ResearchGate titled “The Effectiveness of Bioresonance Method on Human Health” explores bioresonance in a broad sense3. It might offer insights into the holistic approach of bioresonance therapy which could be applied to hypertension.

It is important to ask WHY there are so few studies into Bioresonance, Is it because Big Pharma and other players cannot monetise it?



Final thoughts on the role of bioresonance therapy in managing hypertension.

By addressing the causes of your hypertension and not simply treating the symptoms, bioresonance therapy, you are likely to experience greater, and extended relief from your complaint, without the use of chemicals.

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