Rife Wave Therapy For Ailments

Rife wave therapy is a relatively new form of electromagnetic therapy to treat ailments, that is based on the principles of Royal Rife’s work. The therapy involves the use of a machine that emits specific frequencies to target and destroythe Pathogensresponsible for causing various health conditions.

Dr Royal Rife

The Theory Behind Rife Wave Therapy

The theory behind rife wave therapy is that every cell in the body has a specific frequency, and when these frequencies are disrupted, it can lead to disease. The therapy aims to restore the body’s natural frequencies and promotes healing by using electromagnetic frequencies to target and destroy the pathogens responsible for causing the disease.

The Evidence

There is some evidence to suggest that rife wave therapy may be effectivein treating certain health conditions. For example, a study published in the Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy found that rife wave therapy was effective in reducing the size of tumours in mice with cancer.

Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy

Another study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that rife wave therapy was effective in reducing pain in patients with fibromyalgia.


However, despite these promising results, there is still a lot of scepticism surrounding rife wave therapy. Critics argue that there is not enough scientific evidence to support its use and that many of the claims made about its effectiveness are based on anecdotal evidence rather than rigorous scientific research.

How Safe Are Rife Wave Machines

There people that have some concerns about the safety of rife wave therapy. Some experts argue that the therapy could potentially be harmful if used incorrectlyor if the wrong frequencies are used. There have also been reports of people experiencing adverse reactions to rife wave therapy, such as skin rashes, headaches, and nausea.

The above is true for all medical equipment. If used incorrectly it can cause harm. The difference is that the Rife Machines cannot cause harm because of its extremely low output. The adverse reactions to rife wave therapy, such as skin rashes, headaches, and nausea, are very rare and very slight and generally wear off quickly. These side effects are caused by overstimulation of the cells.

Although it is a relatively new therapy that is based on the principles of Royal Rife’s work, It has become more and more accepted by many GPs, worldwide. The therapy involves the use of electromagnetic frequencies to target and destroy the pathogensresponsible for causing various health conditions.


Biosonics – A Fad Or Effective Therapy

While there is some evidence to suggest that rife wave therapy may be effectivein treating certain health conditions, there is still a lot of scepticism surrounding its use. Critics argue that there is not enough scientific evidence to support its use and that there are concerns about its safety.

However, despite its popularity, many people are still sceptical about the effectiveness of rife wave therapy and whether it is truly a new therapy or just another alternative medicine fad.

Who Developed The Rife Machines

Rife wave therapy is based on the work of Royal Rife, an American inventor and researcher who lived during the early 20th century. Rife believed that every disease had a specific frequency and that these frequencies could be used to destroy the pathogens responsible for causing the disease. He developed a machine called the Rife machine, which was designed to emit electromagnetic frequencies that were specific to each disease.

The Rifemachine gained a lot of attention during the 1930s when Rife claimed that he had successfully cured cancer in several patients using his machine.

Bioresonance - Dr Royal Rife's Machine

However, his claims were met with scepticism by the medical community, and his work was largely dismissed as quackery.

Despite this, the use of electromagnetic frequencies for health purposes continued to gain popularity, and various forms of electromagnetic therapy were developed over the years. These therapies include low-level laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and microcurrent therapy, among others.

Treatable Ailments And Conditions

Despite Rife wave therapy being a relatively new therapy that has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its health benefits. The therapy treats or assists with various health conditions, including cancer, chronic pain, viral infections and other issues such as:

Allergy & Asthma
Back Pain
Bad Breath
Cholesterol Secrets
Erectile Dysfunction
Fat Loss
Graves Disease
Hair Loss
High Blood Pressure
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Joint Pain
Kidney Stones
Low Testoterone
Lyme Disease
Prostate Secrets
Sinus Infection
Sore Throat
Urinary Tract Infection
Yeast Infection

There are over 1900 conditions that can benefitfrom Biosonic therapy.

More Information

For more information, contact us here. To book an appointment, Whatsapp 0825729848.


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